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Showing posts from September, 2024

Fancy Restaurants, Football Parties and Writing

 I went out to eat at this super nice restaurant with Sue. We got teas and salads and yeah... they also offered bread, which I can't eat, but she really seemed to enjoy. The server even opened little packets for us to wash our hands! That is super fancy. I've never had someone open a cloth for me to wash my hands with.  We went to the garden store and Sue picked some really nice plants to put in her garden. She got pepper plants, which looked decorative to me, but she swears you can eat the peppers... I don't know, they looked more like for show. Anyways, that commune eats a lot of peppers. Which is funny. Each commune has something so exotic about them and hers is the constant beautiful peppers they grow and eat all the time.  I went to our apartment complex party. It was for the start of the football season, so they had nachos (which I can't eat), cupcakes (which I can't eat) and soda, which I did grab. They had a decorative football wall, flags with all the teams

Yacht Clubs, Moon Sister Plays and Somewhat Writing

We spent the day out in Oxnard. It was so much fun. We had drinks, we got a nice ride on the Duffy. We looked at the new boats that are up for purchasing. We looked at seals (from a safe distance) and finally stopped at a Yacht Club for drinks. They're part of the yacht club... truthfully, I couldn't tell you the difference between a Yacht and a sailboat. I'm pretty sure I could point out a Duffy though!  My moon sister is in a play and I'm super excited for her. I wish I could get out to Arizona to see the show. I am going to send flowers her way because I told the commune that she's in the play and they want to go see it. I'm excited that I'll be there in spirit and flowers! because I'm so sad I'll miss it. I asked for pictures so I can see the story of the practices and she sent me one. I'm so excited.  Jeffery is going into surgery later this month. I'm really nervous for him and again, if I could just drop everything and get to Arizona,