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Theme Parks, Antique Fairs and Writing

 I've been watching a lot of horror movies. I just recently watched one that is outside my norm. I tend to like spooky horror, not slasher horror, but Tubi kept suggesting one particular one so I said, "Meh... why not?" Because curiosity was triggered. It wasn't as gross as American Mary, but it made me nauseous. 

Speaking of nauseous, friends are coming out to go to Magic Mountain. I haven't been there in so long, but I do have powdered headache medication that I'm going to give Steven because I don't know how you can go on roller coasters all day without a headache. He might be very sick by the time he makes it back to the Port commune. 

 I went to a little antique/art show with Sue and had a blast! I really shouldn't have, but I bought myself a pair of pumpkin earrings! They dangle and are so stinking cute! I wanted to get her kitty earrings as a joke. She keeps saying she doesn't want kitty stuff but ... I think she loves the things we find her. I just hid kitty wine glasses in her house and that drove the entire commune nuts because no one would confess to the glasses but finally I had to admit it because it really was driving everyone nuts. 

We ended up going to Ventura that same day. It's only another forty minutes of a drive. I wore my Sunday best (though it wasn't Sunday) and we went and got food. I got a quinoa salad. It was only, but nothing to write home about. There are certain foods that are so good that you can eat until your sick and then eat some more. Jeffery wants me to bring some vegan food out when I go to visit him in Arizona.

Jeffery is not doing so good. He's feeling horrible and things keep putting him in the hospital. I'm worried about that man, but the best I can do is keep checking in and keep him company. I use to be in the hospital a lot, so I told him to find something really good to watch on the television. It's not fun being there, but his spirit is always great. He said, "I came to the hospital for a meditation retreat..." Ahhhh, Jeffery! You silly, wonderful guy you! He's so funny.

When I was a child and stuck in the hospital, Jeffery would tell me before he went to the cafeteria, "Now, don't go anywhere." That use to make me giggle so hard because I was hooked to so many contraptions, it's not like I could go anywhere. I was bed bound. He knew though that it would make me laugh. He's such a fun guy.

Writing Update:

Picking along on my story. I really should work on it more. Maybe I'll get a chance here soon.