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Showing posts from July, 2023

Got the New Position, Mr. Brainwash Art Museum and Writing

 I got the job! I'm a little nervous because this is a lot more responsibility than I've been given in years, but I know I can count on myself to do this correctly and timely. Still... wow! I haven't told my coworkers and there hasn't been an announcement yet. I don't really like goodbyes though there is one person that would be a little nice not to see again. I'm not finishing this month's book for book club. It's about a plagiarist and though I hear she gets what's coming, the story itself just is frustrating. I know that it happens with people taking books and changing some of the story but it's basically the same story. It just pisses me off.  We went to Mr. Brainwash Art Museum this weekend. It was down in Beverly Hills. I'm so glad I wore a cute little summer dress because EVERYONE was dressed so nicely.   The museum was so cool. He takes famous paintings and tweaks them into something a little more modern. I wish I knew the artists bet...

Interviews, 100 Degree Weather and Writing

 Great. So I locked myself out of my work computer before my interview. Luckily, service desk was able to get me back in.  I think the interview went well. Holding my breath. Really want to get this position at the company. My moon sister is renewing her vows in Hawaii next year. That's going to be fun. I barely remember the flight but I know it takes somewhere around 6 hours to get to the islands from where we live.  The heat in Arizona has been at 115 degrees and up. Which is pretty hot. When we were kids, we use to crack eggs on the cement and watch it cook.  It's been in the 90's (degrees) out here in Los Angeles, California. I guess the beaches might be cooler and we were offered the condo at the beach, but last time we were there, we walked 23,000 steps and I just don't feel like doing that in the heat. The last time we were there it was super cloudy and windy and we still managed to get pretty interesting sunburns.  Emory and I spend our days puzzling and...

Boating, Dinner with the Commune and Writing

 I have my job interview Friday and I still haven't decided what to wear or the questions I need to ask for the position. Instead, I've been goofing off going between the Porter commune and the Oxnard commune. Emory and I spent 4th of July at Porter with all the animals that we've been collecting at all the houses. So we baby-sat Sassy Pants and she didn't like the fireworks and Mozart didn't care too much for the fireworks either.  I went up to Oxnard with Sue and she took a nap while I got on the boat with Mr. M, Steven and Leila. We were doing great, until a wave crashed over the side of the boat and soaked everyone but me. I must have gotten super lucky because I was also wearing a lot less clothes than everyone else so I would have been cold, plus I didn't have extra clothes at the house, not that Sue wouldn't have found me something to wear.  Mr. M wanted me to drive the boat so he could clean off his glasses. It was okay, but I was really nervous and ...

Arizona Commune, Fireworks and No Writing

Flew to Arizona on my own and it was an okay flight. I was on with a bunch of junior high students so I was glad I downloaded a bunch of Marvel movies to have a distraction, which was cool for a second. I was watching one where a woman lifted her shirt and I flipped my phone practically out of my hand trying to hide it. Later I told Emory about it and he said "I don't remember that when we watched it." Yeah, I don't remember it either. So I chose to read instead. I went back to the Phoenix commune. Steven and Ann picked me up and Steven came in to look for me. The airport was super crowded. Back at the house, I did a little puzzling with Laverne and then the next day, Steven and I went to another commune for coffee and to look at Farmer Bill's garden. I can't believe he can grow so much out in that desert landscape. It's a little muggy right now because of the monsoons coming, but it's hot hot hot too!    We went to Jeffery's afterwards and that...