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Showing posts from March, 2022

Vegan Street Fair, Vegan Cooking and Writing

Watching:  Corner Gas (Season 6) & Corner Gas the Movie Eating: Vegan Meat Pie Reading: Hammered by Kevin Hearne We went to a Vegan Street Fair and it was the bomb! There were so many food tents and a lot of them offered gluten free options. Emory had 10x more options though since he doesn't have to worry about being gluten free. We did split up on the food choices. I went with Japanese sushi and he went with tacos. He also ate pizza. We got so much junk food. We tried a lot of foods too and got tons of samples.  Vegan Fungi Sushi for me Wicked Kitchen Taco for Emory It was a good weekend and then on Sunday we came home and cooked spaghetti squish, chili and a vegan meat pie which made two pies and is surprisingly really good. I get most of my recipes from Instagram. 90% of my follow list might be vegan chiefs. So the meat pie was a brand new recipe for us. Chili and spaghetti is a given. We eat that stuff all the time. We haven't made beans and rice for a while. Emory cal...

Commune Farmer, Hospice Donations and Writing

Watching:  Corner Gas (Season 5) Eating: Garden Bowl  Reading: Hammered by Kevin Hearne Minus the rocky plane trip, the mini vacation in Arizona was nice. I got to visit two communes and of course, Mr. Jeffery's quiet home. Farmer Bill teased me about my cooking but did say I could call with any food related questions. I could probably call him for anything, but it's fun, so any food questions I have when Emory isn't available to answer (the actor's life), I can call Farmer Bill. I did drink two heavy handed screwdrivers. I never should have let Jeffery measure out the vodka. He got me drunk.  I went over to help with what was left of the estate sale. He had a lot of things from an auction so that was cool looking at. We are just donating what's left. I took a couple books for myself and I believe something was living in the books because I got a pretty nasty little handful of bites. They don't look like they belong to a spider because those are distinct, but th...

Arizona Communes, 2nd Hand Stores and Writing

Watching:  Corner Gas (Season 2) Eating: Sofritas Bowls Reading: Hammered by Kevin Hearne I'm getting on an airplane and I'm not sure how I feel about that. It's time to see Jeffery, who now lives with only one other person. He left the commune, but the commune has asked me to see if he'll come visit so Stephen and I still need to ask if he'll go.  There is another two communes that have someone drifting between the two that I'm going to visit on Friday. She agreed to meet for dinner. Ann is going with me since she's my driver while I'm out there.  So much is going on and it makes me nervous to feel so busy. My only real purpose is to visit Jeffery since he hasn't been feeling so great lately.  I'll be working from home next week, so that'll be nice. It's a thirty minute commute and traffic is always crazy. Then after work, I meet Emory at the gym. My goals are to stop hurting all the time. His goals are strength training. It sucks waitin...

The Commune and the Estate Sale, Gin Routine and Writing

Watching:  Chuck (Season 5)  Eating: French Fries Reading: Fifth Grave Past the Light by Darynda Jones The Phoenix commune has come together to help a friend with an estate sale. I am not in Arizona so I couldn't help, but it's great when the household puts their mind to a task. Ann said that there was a line of people waiting before they even were ready to open the doors. They sold an entire bedroom set (because that's something we all have in spades when you live in a commune), a pole table, a bookshelf and tons of other items. They are planning to do this for a couple more days and then they are donating everything to a number of charities. Apparently Ann knows people who sew so a lot of the fabric was donated to this woman who teaches young people how to sew. Dishes are going to a homeless charity that sets people up in housing until they get back on their feet. Any religious items went to the church. Still, they have so much.  Ann was telling me about this home remed...