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Showing posts from March, 2025

Thrift Store Dress, Rainbow Bridge and Writing

I am reading articles and seeing pictures for the "Last Supper Project" which is extremely interesting. It's about the journey of Joseph Nana Kwame Awuah-Darko and his journey towards assisted suicide. People have reached out to cook him something special on his journey.  I think California has assisted suicide for terminally ill patients.  I wish that option was available for more than just terminally ill patients. I would like to have that option when I'm older. I don't want to be at the mercy of a facility. Especially if my brain is going. I don't want all my money to go to the home keeping me comfortable ... or maybe not so comfortable ... while I watch television and wonder what people are doing.  Sue and I had some free time so we walked to Goodwill. I found the cutest little lacy dress that looked like something from 1920's and ended up buying it. The price tag was decent and the dress was in good condition, so why not.  We ended up finding a littl...