I am reading articles and seeing pictures for the "Last Supper Project" which is extremely interesting. It's about the journey of Joseph Nana Kwame Awuah-Darko and his journey towards assisted suicide. People have reached out to cook him something special on his journey.
I think California has assisted suicide for terminally ill patients.
I wish that option was available for more than just terminally ill patients. I would like to have that option when I'm older. I don't want to be at the mercy of a facility. Especially if my brain is going. I don't want all my money to go to the home keeping me comfortable ... or maybe not so comfortable ... while I watch television and wonder what people are doing.
We ended up finding a little place for lunch and I bought the food for both of us, since she got us dinner at a really nice restaurant last time. I'm still waiting to see if she'd be interested in going to "Tip a Cop" which is a fundraiser event for Special Olympics. I checked out the menu and it has things I can eat. Emory is working or I'd take them both. This is on March 4 .... DAREDEVIL season 3 is also coming out on that date. So many things to do in March!
Emory told me I can't watch Daredevil Season 3 without him. He saw that I was rewatching the series and I think it made him feel left out. I just freaking love that hero!
Emory and I went to a winery and that was amazing! We got a tour of the process and I didn't know there were so many barrels that wine could be made in. They were talking about French barrels, American barrels, lightly toasted barrels and the cut of the boards in the barrels... I would love to go to other countries and try their wine!
I like to play this game at the commune where I take a sip of wine and try to guess the notes. I'm terrible at that game, but last time I said pepper and Darlene read the back of the bottle and said I was right, but that was the only note I guessed.
In other news: Typo has crossed the Rainbow Bridge surrounded by her mommy and daddy and she got lots of kisses and she was held.
We, ourselves, were surrounded by family and friends who supported our decision and they sent us lots of love. We are so heartbroken, but it's amazing to have such a strong support system. We feel her loss at every turn, so now we need to put away her things.
Ann says there is a dog that the commune was offered and she said its still up for grabs, but I think Emory and I need time alone without a new little nose to kiss, right now. We still have Mozart and he's always begging for attention.
Writing Update:
I've started working on my project that is originally mine. I need to find a shapeshifting fairy breed. I see that the Puca change shapes and there are Kelpies. I need something that might be a little new, something I might have to create as my fairy is very old and is often summoned by a Irish Goddess.
I also got a little carried away with another idea and spent too much time working on it. I have no idea why my brain goes from one project to the next. I treat television and books this way too. Anyways, I have about 800 words written on a Truth Serum story. Total crack fiction. Badly written. It's just something for my own guilty pleasures.