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Showing posts from May, 2024

100 Degree Weather, Gifts and Writing

We had a great Memorial Weekend! We went to Arizona and visited a few of the communes. I think three in all. I got something from each person we visited. Tea from one, clothes from another and a flower from another: We had so many people to visit and I had a great time. We ate out more than we usually do. We were also asked to help put together a lighting system on a gazebo which was great because at night we drank outside under it.  It was about 100 degrees here and there in places. We forgot you had to bring so much water when you're traveling from place to place.  I really wish I had taken a picture of the tea party we went to. We had an oatmeal bar at that location that was fantastic! I had apple pie oatmeal; apple pie spice, brown sugar, walnuts and apple slices.  We stayed in doors where we could but we were on the road a majority of the time because we had so many people to visit. Steven went with us to a couple of places.  Writing Update: I've been working on...

Beach House, Stupid Knee Injections and Writing

Another glorious week and weekend! Well, maybe not too glorious. We spent the weekend up at the beach and it was a little cold. We wore shorts anyways and walked about 15,000 steps a day. We tried a new restaurant called Turquoise. They serve Mediterranean food. It was so amazing. Olive-Walnut Tapenade We had three days up at the beach so that was a nice little break and the dogs were at the commune. We got pictures of them chilling with the other pets. I did get injections in my knees. I don't know what the medication was, but boy did it hurt! I said a few choice words and the doctor said he heard it all so he knew how it goes. He really undersold the "you'll feel a little pressure." That was not a LITTLE!  We saw a brown pelican get caught by wildlife. Later Emory saw an article that said pelicans were getting sick. It's pretty concerning.  Writing Update: Moved back to my werewolf novel. I'm stuck on chapter 5. I have this feeling that I need to edit, but i...

Ventura Hostess, Doggie Dental and Writing

 This is going to be a busy month for us.  I'm still listening to the Christi Affair, though I have to do it in little sections as it's not my typical book choice and I hate anything that has to do with affairs. I passed up reading one book already for the book club that had to do with plagiarism. As a writer, you can see why that would bother me. Also that book had to do with snooty writers and I've had my fair share of dealing with that. There might be a reason why some writers tend to be solitary creatures. Though, I do miss Romance Writers of America meetings... with my closest friend.   Book Club might be held in Ventura at a beach house! I'm pretty excited because the hostess always goes out of her way so she might let us get on her Duffy for a ride!  Mozart got his teeth cleaned, which makes me sad for him because they give him an IV to make him sleep through the procedure. I hate needles so maybe I'm projecting, but I doubt he knows what's going on so it...

Book Club for May, Happy Beltane and Writing

Watching: Dead Boys Detective Agency  (soooo bloody good) Reading: The Christie Affair Eating: Vegan Nachos  The Christie Affair is really making me mad for Agatha Christie, but Sue and Darlene told me to keep reading and it would all make sense. I looked up the divorce, which is real though the story is fictional, and Agatha's husband was able to take a lot of money. I don't know if it was his money or hers. It just pisses me off. Again, I have to remind myself that the story itself is fictional and I can't keep getting so caught up. Fictional! Fictional! Fictional! *le sigh* I've started my Christmas shopping! I found so many things that need to be personalized, but I love them. I can't show what I've found here, but I think I've got something in mind for every single person I know! I also found wildly inappropriate gifts, that I showed Ann and Lucile and they thought they were great gag gifts.  Happy Beltane! I wish there was somewhere I could build a fir...