I'm watching this television show from 1970's called: Monster Squad. Emory said it didn't sound familiar though that would have been his childhood. I teased him that he was too busy getting in trouble at that age. 😉
The show is interesting but definately has that (Adam West) Batman vibe. Over acting probably made to entertain children, not that I have a problem with overacting or shows made to entertain the younger folks. Its nice for background noise while I'm writing and cleaning.
😂😂😂 Cleaning! Yeah.... let's go with that.
It kind of reminds me of Venture Bros (the cartoon network show)
Crazy Cousin Nik did a Venture Bros cosplay once. So freaking awesome! He did a really good job because he's so tall and skinny so he looked JUST like Dean if Dean were a living person. I know I have those pictures somewhere. I'll have to see if I can find them.
We took a look at the commune's new boat! I'm so excited for them. It's big and has a lot of fancy gadgets. Emory and I brought a bunch of "boat" snacks. We got Mr. M a huge bag of popcorn. I forgot the name of the brand. I wasn't sure if anyone would eat what we found because everything was vegan and gluten-free. I worried over nothing.
Mozart got a bug bite that blistered and made him extremely swollen. We had to take him to the emergency pet hospital because it was Friday evening and our vet couldn't get him in until Saturday. They gave him some medication and now he's eating again and drinking and doing better. The poor little dude still needs to wear the Cone-of-Shame. Poor little guy but it keeps him from biting or licking the spot.
I fainted again. It was different this time. I really can't get into the symptoms but yeah, Google-Doctor said what I think happened and Ann thinks the same thing from what I told her. She was reading up on it. Sue is with Crazy Cousin Nik (more than 5 hours away) but they both called to check on me too. I explained to them what happened and Sue said to be very care about who knows. I agree. The reasons makes 100% sense on why I can't say more.
So I'm just taking it easy these next couple of days.
Writing Update:
Boy do I hate blank pages. They suck. I'm going to plug my headset in and dictate to Speak software to do my writing instead of typing everything out.
C: 250 words (so far)
BC: 100 words (so far)
BL: chapter 10.... still blank. I haven't posted this one yet. It might just be a story for myself. It's a little on the naughty side. *wink wink*