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Tiki Bars, Bike Rides and Writing

 I had such a fantastic week! 

Solvang is about a three hour drive from where we live. We hopped on the freeway a little late given that we were meeting friends who were driving from Oceanside. We still made it to Solvang before they did. It's a cute little Dutch town with tons of bakeries, which we totes took advantage of.

The hotel had complimentary bikes so I wanted to get on them and take one for a test run. Needless to say, I am not really that good on bikes any more. They say you never forget how to ride a bike, but I don't think they met meant me! I was wobbly and a mess. My girl friend took video. I bet she's laughing as we speak watching that video on replay.

Emory and I stopped at a Tiki Bar for a drink. I got the "Pain Killa" and Emory got a mixed drink, but I don't remember the name of it. He also got a beer. Heck! It was his birthday week so he could drink every day if he wanted to. 

Our friends met us for dinner and we had such a nice time. The guys had beer, I had water ( I seriously needed water after all the coffee and my drink) and my moon sis had a strawberry lemonade. It was freezing on our walk back. I didn't bring a coat because the weather had been in the 70s so it hadn't been cold or hot. I wore a dress, which I quickly regretted on our walk back in the dark. 

We watched Salem's Lot, which is a Stephen King movie.

Then we got up fairly early before the town really opened, found a bakery and I got a pumpkin snickerdoodle and Emory got a frosted scone. Coffee was bloody delicious! We then walked a little. I found a fancy soap store and sent a few pictures to Miss Ann to see if she wanted me to get her some soap, as "fancy" soap is on her Christmas list this year. She said that particular soap was a little too fancy for her. She doesn't want soap that's in shapes. 

Our friends split for a few hours to do their own thing, so Emory and I went to a wine tasting. It hadn't been planned, we were just going to stop in and take a look, but one thing lead to another and we had a sampling. The connected room had art so we had our tastings, and then we went to look at the art. It was very relaxing.

I found another winery store called Final Girl, but I didn't want more wine at the moment. I told Sue this so next time she goes to Buttonwood for her wines, she said she'd take me with her and we could stop in Solvang and taste the Final Girl wine. I think I'll get a bottle to go with my horror collection, as a "final girl" is the last person standing in many horror movies, so yes, it works perfectly with my horror theme.

I took over 280 photos. Yikes! 

Writing Update:

C : edited chapter six. I didn't realize that I didn't actually finish writing the chapter until I got to the last page so now I need to just make sure that I say what needs to be said for the story. 

B.C. : chapter is finished. I just need to make sure the edits are done before I do much more with it.

I have speak software which makes writing a lot faster, but does nothing for editing. I'm someone that deletes words or even lines and does a lot of cut and paste to reorganize the chapter, so editing is all by hand.