I was talking to Ann and she went to the museum by herself to enjoy the day. She said that the young women (who showed up to the museum) dressed in pink to see the Barbie exhibit, which she gushed over. She really loved the Barbie movie too so she had a lot to say about it. Then she said so casually; "We need more pink clothing in our closet." 😂
Seriously wonder if Sue thinks the same thing because she keeps finding pink clothes for me. I do like pink, but there aren't a lot of horror shirts that are pink.
Anyways, I thought that was funny. I will have to check out the exhibit with Ann when I get back to Arizona. I do miss everyone out there so much, but I love California too. The weather is nice. People dress a little more casual... (hippie / beach bunny) ... the beaches are right there, there are more small towns including wineries to visit, more theater shows ... yeah.
We were going to go to a puzzle exchange, but that's all the way to Irvine and that's a bit of a drive. It's closer than where most of the trades are (which is all the way to San Diego). To Sue, the drive is nothing, but for us, we have the dogs, so it's not like we can stay overnight and even if we brought the dogs, they'd be stuck in a hotel and Typo is a little anxious baby. So we need to plan this better. Leave the dogs with the commune and go.
We went out to eat with Sue, which was super nice. She brought me a book on positivity and I joined the group on Instagram so I can have positive quotes. It's funny, because one of my friends is part of that group too. He must have read the same book. He's pretty cool. He lives in Hawaii, so there isn't really a chance to see him as often as I had for a while. He does a lot of healing things.
I have a lot of healer friends. It's super nice.
Sue also brought me a blanket that's really thick. I was using it, but I keep waking up with Typo on top of me, so I need to lay out another blanket for her and hope she sleeps on it. We are both pretty cold creatures so she probably likes it.
I had a really strange dream that was so vivid that when I woke up I was a little freaked out. I might be watching too many sci-fi movies. I dreamed that I had to get out of a hospital that was doing brain surgery and all the people were almost in a comatose stage. I already had one surgery with them and my memories were gone. I went through so much to figure out why I was there, just to learn that I had agreed to do this because I didn't want depression.
The dream was way to deep. Give me the zombie dreams. Those are fun, vivid and well, who doesn't like a little survival?
Writer Update:
Still stuck on the werewolf book. Can there be a little violence in romance? Like can my werewolf rip people up? I don't think I've read a lot of violence in romance novels, but in Urban Fantasy, yeah. I need to think about this.
Been editing my vampire novel. I'm now on chapter 3. I have a lot to edit out because this was a NaNoWriMo book and though I've done a LOT of editing in the past on this, I wasn't at the caliber I am now at my writing skills. I have a lot that needs to be addressed so I'm editing my "darlings" out of the book and that's taking some time. Plus, because this was NaNoWriMo, there is a lot of information dumping that I need to even out.