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Fabio is Fantastic! Stuck in an Elevator and Writing

My boss had such an exciting weekend. She ran into Fabio! She said he looks exactly like he does on the cover of romance novels, only his hair has a little more gray in it. She told him, "Looking good, Fabio." and she said with a very accented voice "Thank you." I guess he was buying bird seed. She said she only thought to take a picture after he left and she said that no one else in the store was freaking out so she doesn't think they recognized him. Isn't that cool!

In other news, I got stuck in the elevator at work. The way the elevator stopped, it was a jolt and it's like the power failed or something didn't register with the gears. Thank Goddess I wasn't alone because I would have freaked out. It was just my luck that I left my phone back at my desk. Never again! I will always have my phone on me when I'm in the elevators because the call button didn't register. The woman with me wasn't as freaked out, but maybe she hid it well.

When I got out, I told my boss I got stuck in the elevator without my phone so I couldn't call her. She laughed and said she wouldn't have noticed until letters started backing up. I told her she would know when the fire fighters got there to get us out. She said that's when she would have came looking for me because well... fire fighters! 

The elevator though, did decide to open without prompting after the initial freak out on my end. We were stuck for about five minutes maybe or maybe it only felt like five minutes. 

Someone left Keurig cups of Starbucks Limited Edition Seasonal blend in the communal coffee drawer!! I grabbed one and had a sip party back at my desk. 


Well, not sure what to do with the NaNoWriMo project because I'm not happy with my outline and I think the story changed a couple of times now.