Watching: Orville Season 3
Eating: Beans and Rice
Reading: The Grand Tour by Patricia C Wrede and Caroline Stevermer
Oil Diffuser: Lavender
We met Sue twice this week for dinner, once in the new shopping center up the hill and once down the street from where we live. The new shopping center had a Mediterranean restaurant. It's very popular so we're lucky we found a place to even sit. The food was fabulous and I ate all of it, which was fine, but I had to stop eating by 7pm if I wanted my blood drawn by 7am the next day.
Blood test went fine. We went hiking afterwards. The spot was more of a dog park than anything and most people didn't have their dogs on leashes so it's not a good place for people who fear dogs, like Ann. She sent me a picture of two large dogs sitting by her and that shocked me to bits! Look at us facing our phobias! And we're a little shabby at it.
I opened my coconut coffee and brewed a cup. Oh My Goddess! It's so good. I was a little afraid it'd be too strong of a coconut flavor, but it's not bad. It smells strong, but the taste is pretty mild and sweet. I have a coconut powder that's pretty sweet and makes my gums hurt. I might be allergic to the powder, but I'm not allergic to coconut so I'm not sure what's going on.
Not sure where we're spending the weekend. The caravanners went north so they want us to watch the house. We went up there yesterday and they hadn't left yet, so we ended up drinking wine, beer and just talking. I think they left pretty late and got to their destination pretty early in the morning. Emory and I went back over to their house to see to the strays. We're going to pack our bags and go back up tonight.
It was funny because:
Caravanner 1 : "Did you bring your swimsuit? No, no problem, just skinny dip."
Caravanner 2: "Don't, we have cameras."
Caravanner 1: "Just text us, "how's the traffic" and we'll know not to look."
Needless to say, we never skinny dipped. We just hung out for a while and got chewed on by mosquitoes.
Writing Update:
B.C. It's a story I'm writing for myself that I might share. Right now I'm in the middle of a scene where my character is at a lull. I'm not sure where to go with the scene and I'm only on chapter 2 so it's too soon to be stuck. I need to pick a direction and test drive it, see where it goes.