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Break-Ins, Tasers and Writing

Sue called us and asked if we'd like to go to Oxnard, which sounded like fun since we hadn't left the house all day and probably weren't really planning on leaving either. (Oh the joys of being fully stocked in the kitchen... binge food and television) 

We were heading up towards the Oxnard house when Sue got a text from Darlene saying the valley house two houses from hers had a "break-in attempt" but the homeowners were home and stopped it. That was it for Sue. She wasn't going to Oxnard with a possible thief lurking around. So Emory and I got in our car and followed her to her house where we ended up watching Man vs Bee until about 9pm. 

I offered Sue my taser (which she was the one that gave me it because I played with my old one -zapping air- too much and broke it). She refused, saying she'd be okay. 

Well, come to find out, she didn't go to bed until 4am because she heard sounds and kept wandering the house. It's a big house and when we house sit, I like to lock the bedroom door we're sleeping in because California seems to have a lot of strange killers. Jeffery said he'd rather be downstairs in the middle of everything so he could hear if something was amiss. He's braver than I am.

We did end up charging the taser after I had a dream that I needed it and it didn't work. I'm getting a lot of Handmaid nightmares. I like this taser because the strap goes around your wrist and if you fight with someone and the pin comes out of the taser, it's just a flashlight so no one can shock you with your own taser. 

Writing update:

B.L. I'm not sure if this title is staying but it's starting to grow on me. Chapter 8 now. Working on the buildup. Things are coming together. My character is now in a corner. Will the hero be in a corner too? Yes! Yes he will!