We had a three day weekend so we loaded up the car and drove to Arizona. I had people to see, including Jeffery who got some terrible medical news. He is in good spirits though, when we see him.
We stayed at Ann's commune. She was very disappointed to find out that I gave up shaving and sent me straight to the shower to do so. I guess I'm a proper lady now. Anyone want to contribute to a laser hair removal fund? No? I didn't think so.
John came over and brought two bottles of red from his stock. It was so good. We stayed up and chatted and drank both bottles. We watched Steven eat super hot Thai food which none of us had any interest in sharing. He says he can't taste "hot" but his eyes still water and his nose runs so he knows it's hot, he just doesn't have the ability to taste it on his tongue. He's a fun guy.
We visited the Scottsdale commune. They are heavily into pickled things right now, which Emory had no problem trying. I don't like pickled anything and they pickled EVERYTHING. I just ate the watermelon. Farmer Bill showed us all the peppers he's growing and he made us pepper flakes, but warned us to be cautious at first because they might have more of a BITE than we're use to.
We went bowling with Emory's family. I did so terrible that I ended up swatting and tossing the ball between my legs and actually scored higher in this fashion. Afterwards, we took our mothers out for lunch and gave them mother's day and birthday gifts since we won't be out for a while.
Jodi and Jeffery gave us a recipe for catching ants since the Glendale commune has an ant issue right now. I don't believe in killing things, but the ants are really out of control and I don't like spraying bug spray with dogs in the house so we have this little contraption with soap, a cookie and sugar. It did really well but I won't post a picture because it's gruesome to me. I like ants. I think they are fascinating.
Speaking of gifts, I think this year I want to give people gift baskets so Emory and I will start our shopping soon. I meant to make a list, but I haven't yet.