Watching: House on Haunted Hill 1959
Eating: Chili and Corn Chips
Reading: Hexed by Kevin Hearne
We started to watch Beaks, but the animal abuse looked extremely realistic. I can't stomach it. I couldn't stomach American Mary either and we know that WAS fake, so I think I have a weak stomach towards abuse. As the Wiccan Rede states "Live and Let Live. Fairly take and fairly give." It's a good mantra.
We live very close to the college- walking distance close- so I think we have a lot of college students in this building. It always smells like weed in the hallways and even floats in from our patio door. It's kind of funny because you can't party here without everyone knowing about it.
Here is an older photo we took when we went to Salem. Yes! Couldn't resist the tourist trap of dressing up and taking photos!
Writing Update
Can't decide if I want to write another FanFic or if I should try finishing the story I started a decade ago. Part of me thinks I should move on and write something original. I like the FanFic world because it has the built in audience.
It's a tough world out there but I have some ideas so I think I'll try finishing my original story and try for an agent again. I self published after I did work for hire in the writing world. I would like an agent to guide my work though. I was so close a couple of times. Maybe this time I'll get an agent.
Okay, getting ahead of myself. I still need to finish the book.