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Scarecrow Walk, Zebras and NaNoWriMo Writing

Watching:  Dark, Deadly and Dreadful and Bad Education (television series)

NaNoWriMo Writing: 8,335/50,000 words goal

We went to Cambria. It's really close to Hearst Castle, which, one day we might go back to. My aunt says that in the winter, they use to have actors in the rooms acting out scenarios. That would be fun to see. I'm not sure the last time we went to Hearst but he owns so much property and there were zebras and cows just grazing along the drive up. 

They had this thing called The Scarecrow Walk which had community displays. It's really cool how creative people got making displays. We walked through a few of them, and drove by the others. Some of them were hidden so you have to walk through town looking for the displays. 

I fell in love with a restaurant called Robin's. It had vegan and gluten free options. The mushroom sandwich was the best thing I've tasted in a while. Sue got a salad and soup. I tasted the soup and it was so good, we got an extra soup to take back to the hotel.

We went to Moonstone Beach and I collected some rocks. Of course, I'm in love with rocks, and I think I got that from my mom. When she goes on vacation, she always brings rocks home and writes on the bottom of them where she got them. The rocks I found were so tiny that I won't be writing on them. It'd be the same as the people who write names on rice. It seems so impossible with my heavy hand.

📘Writing Update 📙

The struggle is real. I had a clear path for the story, but the details were not figured out. Now I feel like I've written myself up against a wall. I feel like the story is almost over. I am really good at writing novellas unless I'm writing fanfic and then I can write 80,000+ words.

The few notes I did write for this story no longer match what I wrote. My character had a huge reveal by chapter five. I didn't expect the reveal until a much later chapter. When I'm done with NaNoWriMo, I'm going to have to see how much of it I can actually save.