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Super Charged, Practicing Scripts and Writing

Things are looking up... but that might be because I feel super charged. (Or I'm on dealing with a manic high, which is also a very big possibility) There are so many goals to achieve for 2020. I'd like to add to my art collection, though I am running out of wall space. I'm trying to fight my hording instincts and downsize on all the itty-bitty things, be more proactive with my goals and needs, etc.

The surprise birthday party last Sunday was so much fun. We had to help the commune, which felt crazy. I forgot what it felt like when everyone was rushed to get things ready, but we have a great pit crew. Nurse Lucille is the chef for large parties. She knows how to make a meal stretch and it's always satisfying.  Emory and I had to stuff the balloons and tidbit extras into my car. 

That morning, Emory and I bought a bottle of wine for John. The fun thing about that man, is that he shops for wine like I do. If the label catches my eye, I want to drink the stuff inside it.

Emory and I are going to start reading scripts and practice our cold reading skills in front of the camera. It was fun getting a few things together for this. I think my excitement for the future is rubbing off on him because he's really in the thinking process too right now.

Writer Update:

Finished a very small 5,000+ word piece. I didn't think it'd be that long, but I rewrote it and I like the placement of all the words and the flow of the action. I'll be posting it soon.

KNT: this tiny project that ended up being not so tiny (as it became novel length), is now finished. I have two chapters to edit, but the third one I'd been working on is ready to go. I will be posting all these chapters very soon.